WordPress version 4.3 – “Billie”

WordPress Version 4.3 came out today, and the YIKES crew is proud to have made contributions to this release.

Language Translation

Carlos is a member of the WordPress Polyglots team and an active contributor and editor of Spanish (Mexico). He translated and approved hundreds of strings for WordPress 4.3.


I designed a couple new Dashicons for the WordPress admin – “Rotate” and “Unlock” to go along with the Lock icon.


Admin UX

At WordCamp Philly we were lucky to have lead developer, Helen Hou-Sandí, in attendance at our contributor day. I was interested in the work she was doing regarding cleaning up the WordPress Admin and was able to learn about tasks with which I could help. I got some handy SVN tips from Helen as well.

Admin forms on mobile

The contribution I am most proud of is improving the error messaging on forms.



In addition to looking nicer, the use of the alert icon doesn’t just rely on color to convey an error, making it better for accessibility.

I have really enjoyed participating in the WordPress #Design Slack channel. I love seeing how much thought people put into every design decision that is made.

Learn about all the great new features in 4.3.

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