YIKES, Inc. won this year’s PNC Bank LGBT Business Award presented at the Independence Business Alliance Annual Business Leaders Luncheon.
YIKES will use the $10,000 award to further development of its Level Playing Field WordPress plugin that anonymizes job applications to fight bias in employment, thereby promoting true merit-based hiring.
Level Playing Field is the first plugin of it’s kind and puts the Equal Opportunity Employment conversation to the test. Every day, countless qualified job-applicants are filtered out of the hiring process due to unconscious bias. In terms of the hiring process, bias works two ways: it can (1) cause an employer to overlook a qualified job applicant or (2) cause a qualified job applicant to overlook a position in fear that they may be discriminated against.
As a socially conscious business, we have long standing commitment to creating positive social change and impact. Level Playing Field is one way we can continue to champion diversity and inclusion which is a fundamental part of our business mission and who who we are as people.
Mia Levesque
Social Media